The world today has drifted towards the online platforms. The advent of the Internet, Social Media and so on has made this inevitable. Companies today transact businesses, get more customers, provide insights into what they do and lots more online. As a company, Online Visibility matters a lot. It determines how much you will achieve your business goals. Here’s how to keep your business visible online.

According to Big Commerce: “Online Visibility is the overall presence of a brand or its products in the general consumer environment”. With Online Visibility, your company can reach millions of audience within a short time with a few strategic and well-planned clicks. A company that is visible online is the one that customers will approach for necessary products or services.

How to determine a Company’s Online Visibility?

Take, for instance, your company sells books online. To determine how visible your book store company is: Search Google for: “Online Book Store”, and see the page in which your company shows up. If your company shows up in the search engine’s first page, then your company online’s visibility is high. If not, then depending on the page in which it shows, that is how your online visibility is.

A Case Study:

There are many websites online that sell books, toys, and drinks etc. But Amazon gains an incredible amount of traffic due to name recognition and visibility online. It is the online visibility that makes Amazon shows up for most searches related to buying items online. It’s thus a no-brainer that an investment in Online Visibility guarantees the success of your company in the future.

Why you should invest in your Company’s Online Visibility?

There are various reasons why you should invest in Online Visibility. These include:

  • It is essential to the success of your business: With Online Visibility, the success of your business in the near-future is guaranteed
  • Your competitors are already doing so: Many of your competitors invest a lot to boost their brand’s online visibility. If you don’t want to fail, you shouldn’t fail to do the same
  • It increases the rate at which people find you: Potential customers are searching for your company with a few targeted keywords. With online visibility, prospects can easily find your company’s contact info, Website and Products online
  • It boosts traffic to your online platform: You need traffic to boost your brand online. An absence of new visitors can be disastrous for your online business
  • It helps in boosting your company’s brand reputation: For every company online, brand reputation is essential. If you want your brand to be known, then you should invest in online visibility.

How to boost your Company’s Online Visibility

There are several ways to boost your company’s online visibility. In this post, I mention ten (10) reliable ways to do this without breaking the bank:

1) Start Blogging:

A blog is your company’s most important asset. It is where you showcase your expertise and provide the value needed to your target audience. A blog could be a reliable source of informative/ educative/ entertaining content that is essential for online marketing. When you blog regularly and provide solutions to potential customers’ needs, the online visibility that your company craves for will soar higher.

When starting a blog for your company, you should note the following:

  • With a new blog post, you have the opportunity to rank more for a particular keyword.
  • As an Online Business, it’s encouraged that you blog as much as you can. This could be daily, weekly or monthly.
  • It’s better to have an inactive blog than not having any at all.
  • With a blog handy, you have all it takes to be the best in your niche
  • While blogging, you should provide useful contents that add value to readers in your niche as much as possible.
  • A blog can potentially convert many readers into customers/ clients in the long run.
  • With a blog, many people will find out about you and your company.
  • Blogging can turbocharge your company’s online visibility

2) Content Marketing:

According to the Content Marketing Institute: “Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and ultimately to drive profitable customer action”.

With Content Marketing, you help prospects and customers by solving their problems through relevant and impactful content. Research has shown that marketers in prominent world organizations such as Microsoft, P&G, and Cisco Systems etc. are using content marketing.

What Content Marketing does for your company?

  • It adds values to your customers through a variety of ways such as Infographics, Web pages, Podcasts, Videos, and Books.
  • It is all about telling great stories. If you can inspire your prospects about your company through story-telling, then you are poised to achieve great results
  • A good content marketing strategy will increase your company’s online visibility in no distant time.

3)Social Media: Another great way of improving your company’s online visibility is through a concerted and targeted Social Media Marketing Strategy. Social Media has proven to be a viable tool to develop businesses. The Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest, Youtube, and LinkedIn have unique aspects that will help market your product effectively.

What did the Social Media Platforms mean for your business?

  • LinkedIn helps businesses to network with one another: With this Social Media platform you can connect with other businesses in your niche
  • YouTube is the platform to create and share videos: These days, people connect more with and are interested in videos. This platform will help you greatly in that regard.
  • Twitter is effective for sharing short updates: Millennials hang out on Twitter and are more interested in short updates. You can leverage on that too.
  • Facebook helps you connect with many: As the most popular social media platform, Facebook can get you in touch with more people.

As a company desirous of achieving success with this, you should know when to post, where to post, the kind of contents to post and the number of times to post in a week too. A good Social Media Marketing strategy will help to boost your company’s online visibility in no distant time.

4)Guest Posting: This is the practice of writing quality contents on platforms with a large audience in order to promote your brand and boost your company’s online visibility. With guest posting, you are sure to reach your targeted audience quickly. Blog experts have reiterated that guest posting is the one singular factor that can make or mar an online business. This is the secret of established marketers and bloggers in the online business.

What Guest Posting does for your company?

  • It gives you an authority in your niche: When you guest post, you will be recognized as an expert in what you do. Of course, everybody wants to relate with a guru
  • It helps you to gain more followers: With guest posting, you will have more access to a larger audience.
  • It converts readers to prospects than to buyers: When you publish posts on authority blogs that solve readers’ specific problems, you could convert readers to potential customers, then to buyers.

Your company’s online visibility will soar higher when you start guest posting.

5)Customer Review: The most important person in online business (nay any business at all) is the customer. Your customers help your online business grow. Potential customers are always skeptical about doing businesses with you for a lot of reasons, hence integrity matters a lot. Hence, reviews from those who have consistently used your product/ service are necessary to help them take actions.

A customer review is feedback by customers on how useful and effective your products/ services are. It goes a long way to show your business credibility and help you convert more leads. Many online businesses today use this tactic to boost their online visibility. With consistent, good and quality customer reviews, the online visibility that your company desires is assured.

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6)Give Incentives: Incentives are a great way of boosting your company’s online visibility. The blogosphere today is crowded, hence it will be difficult to gain popularity among users without giving them an incentive. An incentive could be a “valuable gift” that will spur them to take actions by signing up to your newsletter or buy more products from you. As a rule, always make your incentives valuable.

The best way to provide incentives:

  • Are you an online business selling books? You can create a valuable eBook on writing, formatting and so on.
  • Are you into web design, Word press plugins? You can create a free word press theme or plugin for your potential customers.

With incentives, people will know more about your online business and will inform others about it too. Incentives provide your potential customers an opportunity to use your products/ services free of charge, and also gives your business the online visibility it craves for.

7)Go Visual: Are you aware that in the nearest future, videos will take over blogging? Any business which is serious about boosting its online business must go visual.

By going visual, I mean: Presenting your products to potential customers visually with the aid of pictures and videos (not by text). Neil Patel recently wrote about Infographics, and how it greatly converts as a blog post. (You can check it out too).

If you wish to boost your online visibility, then you must go visual by showing your potential customers, your products and services through pictures, infographics, and videos. If you can leverage on this, you will see how your business’s online visibility will climax in no distant time.

8)Make Your Research: Are you passionate about your niche, and ready to go the extra mile to deliver great contents about it through your platform? Is there a new development in your business and you can go all out to inform people about it? Do you see a new opportunity in a particular market and eager to unravel it to your audience?

If you can satisfactorily provide a yes to any of the above posters, then you are ready to boost your company’s online visibility.

A lot of information is available on the internet, which is no more new/ interesting to active users. With new research and valuable information, many persons will be eager to hear from you and ready to share your thoughts.

How Researches can help boost your Online Visibility:

  • Jon Morrow literally brought the internet to a standstill when he began publishing his series. This is a personal story of his, and the results from this were mind-boggling (It received a whopping 70k shares)
  • When Search Engine Optimization (SEO) began evolving, MOZ did in-depth research into it and provided a definitive guide to SEO on its website. Today, the guide is the most resourceful on the internet about the topic. (No wonder, it’s been read over 3 million times)
  • Recently, Brian of, research on how best to rank for keywords in one’s niche. The result is what is now known today as the Sky Scraper Technique. This research made his website more popular, converted more leads for him, and assisted many businesses to achieve great results

With new research or story, more people will be ready to listen and promote your content. This will translate into boosting your company’s online visibility.

9)Be Active on Forums: Forums are a great way to connect with people, promote your company’s brand and boost your online visibility. A forum (such as Reddit) allows people to ask questions, interact with fellow members and build an online reputation. As an online business, you should be active in forums activities, provide insightful responses and make your name/ business known. With an active presence on forums, you are sure to meet more people from different countries, promote your company’s brand and build the online visibility you have always craved for. Likewise, you can organize an (Ask Me Anything) i.e. AMA on these forums, be consistent with your niche, promote your business and brand, and see how your online visibility will increase rapidly.

10)Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O): This is the process of optimizing your posts and keywords for search engines to index. It’s a method of writing posts on your blogs and websites tactically and carefully such that search engines quickly index them and it appears for every search on them. A very good SEO strategy will boost your company’s online visibility, make it known for certain keywords, and also popular in your niche. Various SEO strategies have been explained by experts. But when done consistently and correctly, it will increase your company’s online authority, boost its online visibility and raise your social proof rank. If you want your online business to be a friend to the search engines, then you must think of SEO and do it correctly.


The internet today is overcrowded. Every online business must find a way to boost its online visibility if it truly wants to remain relevant and make more sales. As an online business, your visibility on various online media matters a lot to you. This sprouts your business and increases your brand awareness too. These ten tips are practicable and will surcharge your company’s online visibility. Close up view of colorful sticky notes with marketing and strategy

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